Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Miss Alabama Prelim 1, this is your official Miss Alabama update. There are four contestants that some of us know, so here are those details.

Sara Catherine (Andaulsia friend of Marianne)
On Stage Question - Is BP oil responsible...she answered yes and said some other relevant stuff that was good.
Swimsuit - She looked great! Definitely, one of the top five swimsuits of the group.

Miss AU
Swimsuit production number - looked good
Evening Gown - stunning! Wore a purple evening gown that was VERY flattering. Walked a little fast, but still did fine

SBS (Miss UM)
Opening number introduction - YES! She spoke at the PERFECT volume! :) Way to go!
Swimsuit production number - YES! Looked GREAT in her hot top and jeans! And who knew Sara Becky could dance?! Cute!
Evening gown - did fine!

Jaye (Miss Wiregrass)
Interview - feels GREAT about it, talked about teaching & character
On Stage Question - AZ immigration law & racial profiling...WONDERFUL answer! Said it could lead to that but that is why teaching character is important in order to prevent racial profiling
Swimsuit - wore same purple two piece from last year, ROCKED it! Her final pose was like a superman pose with confidence! It was FANTASTIC!!

SBS & Miss AU - talent & rising star
Jaye & SCS - swimsuit production & evening gown


  1. For more pictures of the pageant, go here.

  2. Thanks for the update!!! Hate I can't be there :( My mom and I are going to plan a girls weekend for next year, so we can be sure to go!
