Wednesday, January 26, 2011

February 1 - Soups & Salads

Plan Ahead for February

February 1 - Soup and Salad
February 8 - Pasta Night
February 15 - Something Heart Healthy or Red
February 22 - Family Favorites

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 25 - Food that Rhymes

We decided last night to push back pasta night until February, so I thought that we'd celebrate Robert Burns Day (famous Scottish poet), which is January 25.

Typically, this celebration officially requires haggis, but since I'm not really a fan, why don't we just bring something that rhymes?

Smiths - square eclair pie

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 11 - Pizza, Salad, Dessert

Hollingsworths - pepperoni pizza

Plan Ahead

Jan. 11 - pizza, salad, & dessert...We're keeping it simple since most people will be tired.
Jan. 16 - Soul Food
Jan. 25 - pasta nite

February suggestions?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 4 - Breakfast

Hopefully, this will be easy since several of us will be coming back and getting back in the swing of things. We'll need someone to bring milk or juice.

Hollingsworths - waffles
Topping choices include chocolate chips, whipped cream, nuts, syrup. :)

Let me know your theme ideas for the new year, and let's plan ahead!