Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 23

Pizza, Salad, & Dessert

Since several people will be just getting back into town, let's keep it simple.


  1. We will bring a salad!! We have ranch dressing but if you prefer another type of dressing please bring it!

  2. John starts his job next week and it will take up Tuesday nights from now until we leave for Florida (maybe we can sneak in one more game night before we go). We have SO enjoyed game night and will miss the fellowship! Thanks for making us feel at home :)

  3. It is time again for some "game night dessert"... chocolate chip cookie dessert! :)

  4. Amy and I will bring a half-cheese, half-pepperoni pizza.

    We'll miss you, John and Deanna. Hope you can make it maybe one more time!

  5. We'll contribute a pizza of some sort.

    I did some coupon cleaning out today, and there are several coupons I'm not going to use. Remind me to show you where they are Tuesday night, and you can go through them and take ones you will use.

  6. Hey everyone! I (Carrie) am going to try extra hard to make it tuesday night, just depends on how I'll be feeling. Jason has to work late but he'll stop by for a short spell. We'll let you know tuesday afternoon for certain, but hope to see all of your smiling faces!!

  7. I will bring a supreme pizza. Jeremy can't make it this week since he has to work late...

  8. we will bring a pepperoni pizza....if someone thinks we need more supreme too, we can do half pepperoni and half supreme.... just let me know :) cant wait to see everyone :)

  9. Amy and I will change ours to a full cheese pizza, since we have one each of the other main types, and it will just be easier to order. :)
