Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April 6 - Play ball!

Major League Baseball's Opening Day 2010 is April 4. Let's celebrate by bringing something you would eat at a ball park!

Geigers - cheese dip
Hollingsworths - burgers (8 patties & buns)

Easter Sunday

Everyone and Anyone who will be in Auburn Easter Sunday is invited to the Bain's house for lunch. So far I know Kelly is making a ham and we are doing potato salad and spinach dip.

Can we please get a head count and food count on the blog? You are welcome to bring your dish over Saturday so you can come straight from church Sunday. Looking forward to having you over and Tanner will give directions because that is not my thing.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 30

Crock Pot Nite!

You must bring something cooked in a crock pot. If you do not have one, I have two you may borrow. Kudos to Courtney for some fun theme thinking!

Hollingsworths - chocolate bread pudding (It's a lot like chocolate cake.)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 23

Pizza, Salad, & Dessert

Since several people will be just getting back into town, let's keep it simple.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 16

Top O' the mornin' to ya!

Since next Wednesday is St. Patrick's Day, why not do another themed dinner?

At least one of the following rules must be followed for your dish:

1. It must be an Irish dish.
2. It must contain potatoes.
3. It must contain something green.

Friday, March 5, 2010

March 9 - Smorgasbord

Since several people are headed out of town for spring break, it is a good time to clean out your fridge or pantry. Just bring something you need to get rid of. Happy cleaning!