Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 28

Spaghetti Pie - Smiths
Green Beans - Hollingsworths

Needed: dessert, salad/bread

I will be in Memphis (Sunday - Friday), and the Bains will be out of town this weekend but back for games. So, I guess I'll see you all in August!

Also, welcome to the Larsons! Is this blog exciting, or what?!

P.S. Does anyone remember the first time we met for Tuesday nite games? We may need to consider getting an anniversary cake soon. ;)


  1. I see we've been replaced! Did you at least run a background check? Hopefully, no one will break Michael's losing-est record! We miss you all a ton - there's a definite twinge of sadness in my Tuesdays, a feeling that something is lacking.

  2. We will bring the salad and bread. See you guys in a couple of days!
