Monday, April 6, 2009

tomorrow night!!

i know that most of us are totally zonked after the weekend, but what are we going to eat tomorrow night?


  1. from kelly:

    Please tell the blog that we have PLENTY of chips, cokes, cookies, and candy that we will serve tomorrow nite.

  2. That sounds like it would go perfectly with burgers! Mike, do you have a grill?

  3. i do. we did have burgers friday night (at the pre puzzle party shindig) but i'm OK with eating them again.

    what about everyone else?

  4. Oh, well we don't have to do them again. What else would be good with your standard party food? I guess there's pizza...

  5. Ches and I have plenty of mashed potatoes ;)

    (j/k, we can bring them if the occasion arises, but I'm open to anything)

  6. What about sammies ? Big hearty ones! Bain will bring meat, and bread.

    We need- a tomatoe, and cooked bacon or easy cook bacon, and dessert.

  7. Hollingsworths have UBER amounts of cheese, some lunch meat, lettuce, some tomato, some bread, LOTS of chips and candy.

  8. I guess we can bring some bacon and another tomato? Let me know if I need to get anything else tomorrow. I'll have time.

  9. Since it's a little chilly out, should we bring some chicken and wild rice soup to accompany our big, hearty sammies? Or, do we need a dessert...or soup and dessert? Decisiveness is not one of my attributes!

  10. Just to make sure I'm reading this right:

    Bains: Meat and Bread
    Hollingsworths: CHEESE, lunch meat, lettuce, some tomato, some bread, chips and candy
    Rifenburgs: Soup
    Smiths: Bacon and another tomato

    Is that right? Should Ches and I bring something else dessert-wise or is the candy enough?

  11. OOO, I know! How about some fruit? I saw this weird orangy-spikey-melon thing at the store I've been dying to try!
